Paperton offers 2 state-of-the-art products with exceptional reading experiences. Paperton: WebReader lets your readers access your content on any device, no matter where they are. Paperton: Whitelabel Apps provide extended functionality, including offline reading, push notifications, in-app purchases and much more. Be everywhere and let your users choose how they want to read.
PricesLet your subscribers immerse themselves in our Interactive Magazine experience. This mode includes text-only reading mode with adaptive font size for ease of reading, image galleries, video and other unique material.
We have integrations with the largest subscription systems in Scandanavia, which makes connecting your title to the digital world instantaneous. Give your readers digital access today and increase your chance to be read!
Digital activation via Flowys subscription services.
With over 130 titles both in Sweden and Norway
We support your subscriber lists in Excel / CSV format
Whatever subscription system you have, you can easily connect your subscribers to Paperton via our API.
Follow how many downloads your app receives.
Earn more money through in-depth analysis of your income streams.
Keep track of what material your readers prefer, how long they read and where in the world they are located.
Keep track of which interactive content your readers appreciate and which links that generates the most traffic.
Easy data export with Google Analytics.